Parking in Inman square without a permit
Premium for owning stocks vs gov bonds disappeared
Took a break and noticing decline in working memory
Cool "structured" ER opportunities?
Do chain kitchens (Chillis, olive garden, etc.) still require multi tasking skills?
Should I tell my land lord during application phase that I'm a land lord?
What's the funnest minimum wage job you've had
RV and Christianity
Would it be weird or normal to treat your friends to something to celebrate?
1099 to clean our house (personal expense)?
Do you listen to anything while doing dualnback?
Paying brother to clean house, tax rules?
How much holdings in JEPI is appropriate for someone ER?
Mahjong lesson, 1/26, 2pm, Kendall Sq, $30
I'm shelving Farnsworth but will spend 2 hours reading parts of it. Need guidance.
Buying all cash in today's market
Why do men favor young women so much?
40, what's the best way to meet a Filipina?
How is dating in your 40s different than 30s?
Any good chaos magick conventions?
Losing interest in Farnsworth's book
I'm 40 and live at home. Renting a room just for dating
How do you justify 4% withdrawal rate?
Anyone work service industry jobs (restaurant, retail, etc.)?
Where to buy shipping box?