Things to do after sex
Petah what’s 7-1 for Brazil?
Why do people do this 🤦♂️
My respect for Ronaldo 📈 📈 📈
Me on my way to looping “A Day in the Life of a Tree” because of this exact reason lmao. What songs make you feel like this?
[18 F] ugee application form essay query
My battery percentage is 0
Which album is your favourite band/solo artist's "SMiLE"?
Party culture isn’t dying because Gen-Z is anti-fun, party culture is dying because people go to therapy now instead of partying their problems away/acting like they don’t have any.
What are some of your favourite underrated/less talked about tracks from classic albums?
What's a song that makes you wanna Van Gogh yourself?
What even is phychedelic music?
What are your favorite moments in Beach Boys songs?
Mechanical engineering students who don't have to worry about diversity hiring cuz there's no diversity and no hiring, raise your hands.
Which version of Pet Sounds is better?
Old Autographed Jan and Dean Record... Am I in trouble?
What is the saddest Beach Boys song other than “A Day in the Life of a Tree”?
Why was my melee doing almost no damage?
What is it called when you suddenly realize you're alive?
Mom saw my boyfriend today at board exam centre 😭
Guys I’m feeling old today
Huge area of concern for the future games
Nikke players are in shambles
Ooh la la