What’s he playing?
31 M UK Looking for friendship
31 M UK looking for friends
Brad 31 M Manchester UK - Friends 4 life
No news since Feb 6th
Mafia game holding back any GTA news
Is this game therapy for anyone else?
Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Worth It in 2025?
How is a game from 2018 this stunning?!
Getting back into the mafia series, which one is the best story wise
Floyd Hebert has been voted as having the most undeserved death. Which GTA character had the most deserved death?
Story Mode Theory
Do you think GTA 6 is going to have a dark story like 4 or a lighter story like 5?
How immersive will GTA 6 be, you think? Maybe even more than red dead 2 or just the same
The First Place You Will Visit?
Anyone know why the army is at the end of the runway at sandy shores not on a mission just landed
Does anyone know what this is on my dogs tail
Anyone else remember there first good pull?
30 BO6 anyone
Bo6 friends
30 M looking for new friends
31 M Manchester UK
anyone else only ever drink the zero ones?
London Series