Stalking/Obsessive/Gross Book Recs Needed
Morrissey - (I'm) The End of The Family Line
Dead Can Dance - The Carnival Is Over
Weekly Observations: What signs of collapse do you see in your region? [in-depth] February 03
Historical horror recommendations?
The The - Armageddon Days (Are Here Again)
(OT) Brian Eno on the Right to Protest
Brian Eno speech to Defend the Right to Protest rally
Wendigo Horror Recs
David Lynch - The Air Is On Fire (longform dark industrial ambience)
I've been posting some LPD/Ka-Spel's more dystopian pieces over on r/CollapseMusic
I never before realized that the first chapter of The Gunslinger is a complete nesting doll.
Political Horror
H. P. Lovecraft - Keeper of the Keys
Question about bookselling around the world
Shriekback - Baby Floods the Zone
Jolene (HP Lovecraft version) by Joliet4
Resellers and Goodwill Thrift bookstores. Why do they get under my skin?
Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe
Edward Ka-Spel and Amanda Palmer - The Unlikely Event
Esther Phillips - Home Is Where The Hatred Is
John Has A Long Mustache