S&W Bodyguard 2.0 owners- a question for you...
What’s your gun hot take?
If you’ve hit the Midwest Industries folding mechanism with your purse but it still won’t budge:
11.5 + Polo 30 + Super Safety
10.3 + Lazarus 6 + Melted Table + Super Safety
I'll say it louder for the kids in the back...
M90 shot some pretty nice groups
I call it Giles Corey
M90 and some groups
Heat Model 733 "Commando" build
Extended bolt catch recs?
Our Cat is a Badass
Is this gap normal?
PSA Hot brass - Negligent Discharges
What’s your zero distance?
I love this lil thing
Show my rifle some love
Can anyone recommend a more ergonomic grip was looking at maybe B5
BSD VSS lore just dropped
Makes ya think, man…
Mashup build
This sub needs more CAS-V
B&T is claiming 140,000 round bolt life on their new AR’s
What light we running boys?