I gave all pokemon a Role (fully evolved only) (plus bonus)
Dragqueenmerch dot com using ChatGPT to generate shop descriptions for the S17 girlies
Olly Alexander: 'The pearl clutching reaction to my Eurovision performance was insane'
Emmy will represent Ireland in 2025 with ‘Laika Party’
Am I miscalculating something? So filling yet so low cal. 470cal/49protein
A play in two acts
OGAE Slovenia has revealed that Klemen received 8,895 votes (66.90% of the total votes) in the superfinal.
🇸🇮 Fun fact: Slovenia has been following a pattern of 2 NQs/ 2Qs since 2012. Klemen will be fulfilling the prophecy
I can't believe it. Full Fury's back?
Robin ponders 🤛 ing
Pokemon Drag Names
The odd one out
Allocation draw cheat sheet! 📊🧮
"Public Broadcasting is Essential" - Israeli Parliament Committee Blocks KAN Privatization Effort, will remain safe from closure
UMK 2025 Day 6 - Goldielocks – "Made Of"
🇫🇮 UMK entry number 5 - One Morning Left - Puppy
Feeling Overwhelmed After 4 Months in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa
Most controversial songs in ESC (and National Finals)
Miriana Conte at MESC:
Elite Four Team Emerald
This review of Woman’s World when it came out ijbol
MIB cuts up about Malaysia with S17 girls: Malaysia responds
Eurovision 2024 finished #10 in '15 celebrity flops and fails of 2024' by BBC.
ATM with THEE glow up 💋
Svet RTV Slovenija: Uprava RTV Slovenija naj nemudoma v okviru EBU sproži zahtevo, da Izrael ne nastopa na izboru pesmi za pesem Evrovizije.