Kurdish anti fascist volunteer unit in Raqqa |1024x682|
Can we have this gun camo next year as a universal skin ?
These two suck each other's cocks
BTR-4 driving with destroyed tires
Squad is an RPG. Change my mind.
Psychiatrist needed
How to spot the spies
Tactical moss, available now for the low price of 200usd (minus taxes and shipping) at VetWhoSellsCoffee.com
South Korean sniper aiming at the armed deserter and a grandma next to him
namer moving up to 11.3 while these two are in 10.3, is a disgrace.
New concept art for the Next BF that came with the announcement of the testing program
Potential EU Planes for AC8 Canon Protagonist's Plane (Round 2)
Vote for 4.3, vote for the glorious proper Kontakt-5 T-80U
Intense combat between Nigerian special forces and D*ésh.
Is it worth going to Business Economics at Vrije University as an international student? Those who studied there, what are your thougts?
isn't this counter intuitive? Shouldn't both cancel each other?
What's above the moon?
I Am "That one friend who likes Battlefield too much" (Except 2042...that isn't Battlefield)
First-person view of a PAP (Sichuan detachment) infantryman during combat training on the Loess Plateau [853 x 1280]
Comparing Construction Timeline (Block Erection to Commission) of Selected Modern FFGs [1650x844]
Remains of Russian BMD-4M (2023)
Japan posting continued
Happy birthday Warno!
War is Hell