If you think the goal of a duelist is to deal as much damage as possible, you’re simply just wrong
No more major updates planned for paladins, many devs already fired.
If Thanos gets added?
Paladins development Is being halted
what is the fastest way to improve my aim
Who is the current best player in the World?
You don’t lose more than you gain in Celestial rank
Counter to hulk + strange + Iron Man team up?
This game has some really glaring mechanical inconsistencies that need to be addressed
Is it possible to get good at another character without taking a rank hit?
Chovy: My top and jungle are playing useless champs
what region has the best laners per lane?(gen g vs t1 game 1 spoilers)
Mr fantastic is the counter to 3 healer meta
SMURFING gets out of control. 100% Winrates 19 Games.
blaxckfire first feels shit, what do you play?
I cant help but feel that they should be swapped.
Tier lists are the worst thing to ever happen to any game, change my mind.
Moonknight mains when they have no Ankh
Pro tip for Diamond and above players: Ban Cloak and Dagger
I got Lord on all Strategists. Here is what I learned (with statistics and analysis).
Ruddy losers bracket for content
My midlaner
As someone who loves to bully Strategists, I think Adam needs a Buff or at least an adjustment.
Europe VS Asia meme
Strategists need their ult charge rate nerferd