Accepted on 02/06 but no update
Almost 100k combined gross income and a little return.
Pregnant Hairstylist
Going home 2 days after major surgery to care for a newborn should be illegal
Is it too late to switch OBs
So Brit is letting everyone know she has only 60 some dollars left, she went thru $554 since Wednesday..and she already up $1144 plus what she gets today to get this Wednesday..this is crazy
Question for solo stylists
Since everyone is saying that they are not using TT next year…
Questionnn is this a normal wait time??
Her teeth omg
Does anyone have any idea what this means?
AIO or is my husband expecting too much?
AIO? Started talking to a woman on a dating app, got asked if I’d be ready to be a step father in a year
AIO: Nail tech labels me “no show” 15 mins before my appointment
Bm not cooperating- advice?
The girl on the right..
Her parents
I’m not sure if Bree’s enablers reported this or the OP took it down…
🤬this baby deserves so much better. The fact that she’s sitting on live not paying attention is sickening. That dog in the chair is also the one that bit him before.
IRS return verification notice
So if you look at that's Brees account sending her all the gifts it's really sad...
wtf guys really ??? now all of sudden we support this pos ass bitch 🤡. i’m so fucking heated right now
The reason your returns have not posted..
Am I just dumb or is this conversation as confusing to everyone else lol
LESLIE LITERALLY SAID THE N WORD, she is “apologizing” saying she was just singing its not like she is just there saying it WTF