SFAH - worst nicknames to give to your significant other
WTW for being just a little bit hungry?
What's the worst response to "I love you"?
I accidentally drank alcohol will my prayers be accepted?
How to protect wizards from contrived circumstances
Everyone in the universe speaks the same language, right?
How do I describe cities when they enter one
Why are religions so against enjoying life?
Switching, multi-genre. Looking for those familiar with many systems?
Does anybody else share my frustration with creating original superheroes in RPGs?
My players don’t take notes and I honestly don’t care
Is it time to non-D&D switch
What's the biggest prep mistake you've ever made?
Creating the PERFECT campaign party.
What races can't mind flayers infect
Anybody interested in fleshing out their characters/NPC, worlds & campaigns in a fun way that helps you to bridge the time between sessions? - Then get yourself a DnD pen pal!
Now that the MM is out, how is everyone feeling about dnd 2024?
My one shot is turning into a campaign and I don't know what to do
No idea what to play but I need to switch characters
Favorite D&D YouTubers, and why
A mimic cake for my 40th birthday, from me! [OC] [Art]
Oh no; not THAT ( tropes )
Seeking a non-DnD 5e; BRP and what is wrong with it?
I've managed to avoid almost all "RPG horror story" situations through what amounts to diligent, prudent, and loving application of three principles.
I know, GURPS is flexy, but.