Any Stone Age to Industrial age progression survival games out there?
Growing up with LucasArts and the adventure magic of the 80s and 90s, we started hand-drawing our point & click adventure game 11 years ago. We're releasing Elroy and the Aliens on April 2nd! Here's the trailer.
When The Sims and Black & White Collide: A New Base Building God-Game is Born!
Favorite AC game and why?
Games where shields can be used as weapons/offensive means? And on a related note, are there also any games where you can equip a shield on both hands?
TSA cracked screen on 2 brand new M4 MBP
Giving Away 5 Early Access Keys
Extremely slow 2019 Intel iMac
CIVILIZATION IV: Netflix is now available!
Deployment and Management Exam 2024 last day is 12/17
Which game had you like this?
Take me home ♥️
This game is amazing
Game has gotten super laggy all of a sudden. Anyone know of a fix for this?
What Are You Playing This Week?
Πώς το λέτε αυτό ;
Is RDR1 worth it ?
What "dead" video game genre would you like to see reborn?
Με διώχνουν από το σπίτι...
Looking for first person mmo (If there is any)
Giveaway - Space Age Expansion
World of Warcraft
Κοινόχρηστα: Παράνομη χρήση
Question for those who have played Dredge and DLC.
Είναι λάθος να βγω με το αγόρι της αδερφής μου;