My baby is due tomorrow, 2/30, and I need some name ideas
No, you cannot use my discount, stop asking.
Classic cult mentality
Just adopted her
Elevator Etiquette
“I was a mean girl and I’m proud of it”
I was the mean girl in high school. I know I ruined some people's lives even though they were and still are the nicest people I have met. [No Regrets]
I'm always so disgusted whenever an anti-choicer says someone should be forced to give birth to their rapist's baby
“Go to Mass anyway”
Anyone else eat both servings?
Defending/voting for Trump is not racist
There's always an agenda
What her bun reminds me of lol
AITA for mocking a random woman's profile picture, all because, she made an EXTREMELY PERSONAL decision that has literally ZERO effect on my life, I just don't agree with her personal choice? - YTA.
Why the hell did 53% of white women vote for Trump?
My jaw dropped to the floor when I read this...
“It’s not your body, it’s a baby’s body”
I’m glad Shari’s book proved this post was a complete lie! The family didn’t do a single thing to help the Frankie kids!
Why you shouldn't follow up after an Interview
Pro tip: Anywhere you apply to, call them to follow up after you apply
“You’re killing BABIES!”
No, this is not satire. It’s a dead serious post.
Can we please require all “my dog is dying, here is my soon-to-be-dead dog on his last hour of life, now you have to be as sad as I am while you’re just scrolling cute lab pics” posts to be flaired?
Looks like an ai has more humanity than real people.
tHeY KiLlEd My GrAnDcHiLd!!!!
Derek to be exposed?