3D modellers in the Early-Modern Age be like
Trench Crusade will make Christianity cool again
Or just the statue of a communicant that went too far?
More AfD infighting in Germany
What gods aren't demonic?
Is there a lore reason that explains why the church started to fight each other while having hell as their neighbors?, are they stupid?
German Gays For Fascism? (🔘 doubt)
Only seeing this now. Will Putin employ every nationality from the Middle East to North Korea?
Portable altars in Low-German ship trade
The Grand Schema Monks of the Russian Orthodox Church
LAW??? (cf. James Hankins, Virtue Politics)
Warband personalisation
German right-wing lowkey infighting about queer families
This letter by Petrarca (1304–1374) reminded me of someone
Martyr Penitents
Why are people pearl clutching over the stigmatic nun? Like yeah she has no shirt on, what’s the big deal
This miniature I painted as a kid caught fucking verdigris over the last 1.5 decades 😄
this feels somwhat Trench Crusade-ey
How good can 3D printing get? (Examples welcome)
what's the difference between the old world and age of sigmar?
Does the Vaush community think these two are equally sexualized (I swear I will shut up about this after this post)
German center-right: “firewall against AfD”; also: copies AfD
Skirmish rulebooks