Whyy are tall women so attractive??????
30M never been on a date or even had a first kiss, AMA
The hateful despicable absolutely evil comment that got me banned from r/short … 35 days after posting said comment
Heard a UK rapper on a sample of Gypsy Woman (She’s homeless) on YouTube a couple years back and I can’t remember how to find it
Do you white guys have it easier?
Is anyone else not into super tall men?
Is it just me that sees this as lookism proof???
The Innocents (2000-2003) by Taryn Simon, showing the faces of people who served time in prison for violent crimes they did not commit.
But they vibed! Reddit told me Personality>Height?
I guarantee that his friends describe him as a "gentle giant"
Australian man trips cameraman as he leaves court - Where he was charged with violent assault of a woman.
5'4'' girl dates 3'6'' guy. I'm happy for them, but I gotta wonder why life is so unfair. What did I do wrong? Why couldn't God give me a girlfriend too?
Do older women care about height?
You ever just start reflecting and start thinking “Damn, I fully get why women/men don’t want to date me”
*Insert crying girl on a phone call sound to the first slide.*
Must’ve forgotten the BIGGEST traditional idea of attraction
Should i keep the fade or get dreads?
“I’m short and I find it hard to make friends” “change your clothes”
R/tallgirls rock! R/tallgirls :
Some of you need to chill, take a shower and develop hobbies and interests
Itjustsohappensism needs to be studied by the world's top scientists. ⚗️🧪🔬
Biggest truecel trait in your opinion?
Long story short, gender differences don’t matter. If you’re ugly, it’s over for you
Ugly women have it worse, and attractive women have it best
“I’ll never date a guy shorter than me no matter how amazing he is, it’s just not right”.
Why do I see so many women on tiktok preferring tall and ugly over short and handsome?
Literally the first thing mentioned...