First time homebuyer: What should I expect from my realtor?
Homebuyers Are Starting to Revolt Over Steep Prices Across US
What a diffeeence premium gas makes
Puzzle Game Recs?
What did you name your Renegade?
I feel like giving up
Did anyone buy a house while going through a stressful time (unrelated to finances and house hunting) and how did this work out?
How TF do yall get down payments together???
Can you trust a real estate agent to negotiate on your behalf (and how to find a good one)?
Is this normal?
Buying a home right before the end of times?
Is this easement an issue?
Remind us it's worth it
Overwhelmed After Buying Our First Flat – Does It Ever Get Easier?
Cozy Games With A Strong Story And Voice Acting
Realtors aren't all evil
how many weird little quirks did you discover after you moved in?
How much would it cost to make this house live able/ nice?
What are signs that you need a new agent?
Overreacting or reasonable worry about asbestos/lead paint?
In laws saying we shouldn’t buy a home because we’ll be overpaying and the market will crash.
Looking for some encouragement 😔
My Realtor is pushing me to go over my budget! Just a Quick Rant