Can anyone identify this jacket worn by a us army soldier
going to get my first firearm in a few days a gsg 16 if anyone has one what ammo would you recommend
us machine gunner killed by German sniper april 18th 1945 in the battle for leipzig
STEEZ thought rap back then was bad imagine he saw it now especially in 2016 and 2017 with the mumble era
with everything going on in the world and usa we would have definitely got an amerikkkan korruption type album RIP steez
Favorite steez verse
bar that went over alot of people's head
favorite song ? personally I've been enjoying king steelo
Steez was a big influence on me starting to rap. If you like Lyricism & Bars give me a listen. this is Hip-Hop !
anyone has recommendations for rappers that are similar to joeybadss and capital steez that have a 90s feel to it
Ukranian troops found the Russian Occupiers were busy looting all kinds of things
Ukrainian Soldiers and Their Dog Starting Off Their Morning
Need help these any good?
rate the Easter eats
what tracksuit is suspect wearing way2charged
what tracksuit was suspect wearing I'm way2charged
My AK12 (6P70) paint job complete