DONE (except the 3 video ones that I will send in another post)
Sleep! (Part 9)
Microwave (part 16)
Banana (part 2 of the challenge)
My Roleplays? Pokemon
Unexpected Collab
Joined the sub too late I think
Challenge results
Sword :3
Heroic move!
Pina Colada :D
C6: he is a sharpening stone… so it counts
Rock sword!
Instead of a normal rock I have the rock sword!
penny offers: DREAM ISLAND!
Hera made a swordfish with Dragonfruit icecream!
just found this subreddit from r/stunfisk. I am 252+ atk choice band protosynthesis tera bug slither wing, ama
Cyans Crazy Competition (CCC) sign ups
*throw these gang and ran away*
Pokemon Scorched Silver Hall of Fame (Standard)
Draw hera! Or she will shoot
Uh, hi?