The Subreddit Tankie Jerk is banning any Social democrats that participate in the subreddit.
One-party states are trash
IMPORTANT – Rule Changes Regarding Liberals and Zionism
Trump cosying up to Russia should scare you. A lot.
The U.S. should drop Canada as an ally
Katoph is an underrated ship ok (ATLA) [@changepherrox]
Guys transgender isn't a mental illness
The fact that Americans are expected to tolerate disrespect from other nationalities on our own social media platforms is absurd
Trump's peace plan
It's True: Democrats Want to Take Your Guns
Most of the Canadians and euros mad about the tariffs are just mad that their little socialist utopias won’t last much longer without our subsidy
Don’t forget to set your clocks back to 1933 Germany on Jan 20th
Peppering your comments with frequent "lol" and "lmao" is embarrassing. You're not laughing. You're definitely not laughing your ass off
NCD has fallen deep into AmericaBad
Geneva Suggestions
Word for "war" in european languages
Favorite character that describes this?
How do you think the eating habits of the arcane characters would be?
If Reddit Can Glorify Murder, No Word, No Matter How Foul And Offensive Should Be Censored.
Trump Only lost in 2020 because of Covid.
America is healing and is going to be amazing; Daniel Penny thoughts
USSR actually helped out countries while USA seeks to destroy them
Most Parents, despite good intentions, aren't fit to be parents.
Never would I have thought that a bot would actually make me blush irl
Natives should be grateful for colonisation
The Left Does Not Need To Make Sweeping Changes