What are yall honestly doing that keeps you up so late???
Should women go to jail for falsely accusing anyone of ràpe?
how does one actually get rich?
Why would anyone be ok with this! Trumps taking their rights away one by one.
Is it ever appropriate to question a close friend on their desire to have kids?
All of the Presidential Tierlists I've seen recently are garbage. So here's a more serious list where I ignored my personal bias and ranked them off of their accomplishments for their times (ignoring long term impacts). (#47 is in C because he hasn't finished his 2nd term yet).
When You Realize Your Favorite Candidates Sure Thing is Just a Political Hail Mary
The community note is glorious
Anti Trump protests around the world. America, the world is watching.
Would you fight the U.S. if it came to it?
Why does no girl like me
"No nation older than 250 years"
AIO after the last week in the USA it feels imperative to drop everything and flee to a safer country
What do you think is the saddest truth in life?
I have 5 Fs and had to retake my senior year. Am I able to get into Harvard?
My fellow leftists need to learn how to take criticism
We get it your better because you were born on a different side of the same rock
Imagine how good life would be and how the middle class would be expanding, prospering, consuming, investing, and supporting social safety net programs if every one was making at least $62 an hour.
Sometimes I wish I was born in the late 90s 1999 to be exact
On the article for the GOP after Trump's inauguration
I had a child ask me today if they were going to get their citizenship revoked.
what should be Gen Zs ''Do you remember _____ " Tagline?
Doomed fucking country.
would you date someone with opposing political views than you?