How many people with your grandparents first names did you go to school with?
How many people with your parents first names did you go to school with?
If your last sleep was like a work shift with breaks being the Times you were awoken during , what was it be like ?
What was your first ever nickname?
What annoys you about car parking on your street?
How many people in your year group of high school did you go to middle school/kindergarten with?
How many people have you met at uni that came from the same area as you?
What were some popular first names at your school?
How many people with your first name did you go to school with?
First names of hollyoaks characters you have never met in real life?
First names of coronation street characters you have never met in real life?
First names of emmerdale characters who you have never met in real life?
First names of book/tv characters you have never heard anyone have in real life?
You have to pick a new name. First, middle, and last. What's it going to be?
How many friends do you have on your road?
What did you think your life would be like after school when you were in school?
What beauty standard do you really not bother about?
what unconventional ways have you drove a car?
Most improved aspect of your life as time has gone on?
What's the worst thing that has been on your couch/one of your chairs?
What's the worst thing that has been on your bedsheets?
Do you normally wake before or after sunrise?
What is the worst thing you have ever returned home to find?
What is the worst thing you have returned to your car to find?
what are your bad talking habits?