Castorice Animation Crumbs via Uncle G6U27QZ
Story Teaser: Honor | Genshin Impact
This has probably been asked before but, which countries and cultures still don't have any servants representing them?
3.1 Information From Deep Testing Corroborated by Shiroha
When the Jerk Becomes Reality
Pierro*, The Captain, and Ronova in Story is in Tales of a Snow-Winged Goose could be the theory we need
Xbalanque, The Captain, and Ronova in Story is in Tales of a Snow-Winged Goose
A Theory regarding Capitano's Return
"Heroes, Assemble! Paean of Era Nova" Web event
10 Free Pulls and a Reset Variable Dice!
5.4 Event Menu UI via [REDACTED]
Whatever happens in Nod-Krai and forwards; can we agree to not be as ridiculously salty as these people?
My true feelings for dawei: Capitano and natlan as a whole
Thoughts on 5.3 Archon Quest?
about 5.3
Is this the name reveal?!?!!?
The GOAT revealed
The immortal heroes from the lost kingdoms that carried many souls inside them that appear in the chapters based on Aztec.
Tell me how your pulls went.
JP Voice actress for Xilonen, Fairouz Ai, announced on her personal page that she will be taking a break for voice acting after being diagnosed with PTSD. Best wishes for her. Hopefully the treatment goes well
Capitano skill infos via Astutesmodding
[5.3 SPOILERS] More info regarding Capitano.
5.3 (AQ heavy spoilers) location change via Flying Flame
I don’t think imma play genshin anymore
Character's Voice lines: About the Captain