Do you consider Bonnie, Orla and Mollie to be pokegirls?
In your opinion which guitarist has the best sound or tone?
In your opinion which bassist has the best sound or tone?
Which pokegirl has the best alternative outfit?
Is Thriller the greatest pop album of all time?
Which female Marvel character has the best costume/outfit?
Do hurling and Gaelic football both have a goat?
Which Digimon female character has the best outfit?
Which One Piece female character has the best outfit?
Do you prefer rivalries between team mates, or between 2 drivers from different teams?
Which pokegirl has the best outfit?
How often do you come across a snake in your country?
Do two guitars with the same pickups but different body shapes such as a Les Paul and SG sound completely different?
Who is your favourite female superhero counterpart to a male superhero?
Is the Luka-Anthony Davis trade the most shocking trade in American sports history?
Can you really make a Jazz bass sound like a Precision bass by turning on the neck pickup and turning off the bridge pickup?
Do most people in your country prefer British or American comedy?
Is there a big difference between the food in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro?
Is there a big difference between the food in Madrid and Barcelona?
Which game rival that never appeared in the anime would have made a great rival to Ash?
Apart from your home city or province, what part of China has the best food in your opinion?