How to describe masturbation in a sexy way?
My (FTM) experience getting a subdermal genital implant
who’s your confront character lol
Was ein Mann
Freundin respektiert meine Grenzen nicht
Culcha Candela wird zu einer Geburtstagsparty eingeladen und reagiert völlig normal darauf
Goldene Capri Sonne 2000s
Coverup Ideas?
Eyebrow shaving advice with Piercings
Entzug komisches gefühl
Famous German fashion designer - actually lovely person with sad trauma response
Checking the curd to see if it's ready to cut
Found in the wild. I don’t even know what I’m looking at.
Leben zwischen den Welten
What is the most intense physical pain you have ever experienced?
A 1844 ink drawing of the Utsuro-bune, an unidentified object that allegedly appeared on the Japanese coast in 1803.
Got curls from chemo!
Ich, 28, mache eine Qualifikation zum Genesungsbegleiter - Experte aus Erfahrung in der Psychiatrie; Bindeglied zwischen Patient und psychiatrischem Fachpersonal. AMA!
Using red dye to demonstrate how Mercury cannot be absorbed by a towel.
Anybody else has to take days off because of flares?
Tattoostudio empfehlungen in und um Bonn
Roommates drank my Japanese whisky collection while I was in Japan for 2 weeks
Wild how no one outside Germany is aware of this trainwreck
Ich war als Wildcard bei "Wer stiehlt mir die Show".