Who's the most beautiful character in the entire BFDI series? I'll start
Top 5 comments change the mep, Day 1
What flag is this? (Wrong answers only)
What if Denmark never gave up any land?
Part 7 add country
Day 1: What BFDI Character represents Immaturity?
Ww2 but you change it in the replies
BFB/TPOT But You Vote! (BFB 1)
Progress on my BFDI RPG idea, added the basic dodging and attacking. Guess which game the combat is inspired from, impossible.
Do you want the coat of arms or not?
Your birth month is the character you pissed off. How screwed are you?
Who would win the hypothetical war?
The nearest country to everywhere in the US
Top comment makes a change. No rules. Poland invades their neighbors. Day 174
Re-manity part 1
Type any BFDI character’s name with your eyes closed
Type any project sekai character’s name with your eyes closed
Which Is You're Fav Gen Bfdi
Femboy distribution in Europe. The more red, the more fem.
Genuine question is this map true?
Part 2 add a country
Top comment changes the map (day 12)
Guess the map meaning
Okay, who was eliminated in TPOT 15? All the stuff going on got me confused. (Img. Unrelated)
Kingdom of Denmark in 2025
Top comment changes the us, day 9
Top comment changes the map (day 10)