What companies gave you such bad customer service that you will never give them a dime again?
How do you feel about our division rivals? (Excluding Astros)
What is the most iconic landmark in your state?
Pumkin voids Chance’s cheque!
2000s award shows had such a random mix of celebrities
What hypothetical service from DART would you be most interested in?
My family was so obsessed with my Aunt’s Chihuahuas back in the day!
What Dallas area restaurants do you miss that have closed?
My great grandfather (left) and his brothers 1890’s (colorized)
Why exactly did the kids forgive the eds at the end?
How common were spankings at school?
What TV shows do you enjoy for having an outlandish depiction of America?
The Superlatives of Dancing with the Stars: Day 43 – Most Under-Rated Rumba | Top Comment Wins!
Remember this off I-20?
Wedding venues that are unique?
Anyone remember this book?
People who knew celebrities before they made it big, who was it and what were they like?
DFW Realistic Transit Wishlist
“You’re not gonna be with my friend”
What’s the most beautiful place you’ve been?
The Superlatives of Dancing with the Stars: Day 19 – Most Under-rated Freestyle | Top Comment Wins!
How long has everyone been watching DWTS and what made you interested in the show?
Mark and Val need to do this duel again!
Island food