Do I need to do a different insulation than what the builders used when building in 2016?
Never thought I'd end up here
Cosmere RPG Launch Livestream with Brandon Sanderson and Johnny O’Neal from Brotherwise
Secret Project Live Stream Friday at 6:00
Launch Party Live Stream Tonight at 6:00 MST
What time of day is best to play Pebble Beach (and nearby courses) in July?
Spoiler Livestream on Koloss Head Munching Day!
I am giving away a copy of Tress signed by Brandon and myself and with an original drawing inside!
Mods, Could you ask Brandon to...
(Anyone)General level of concern regarding screen time and perceived effectiveness of existing screen time monitoring apps.
(Academic)(Anyone)(3-5 min and anonymous) General level of concern regarding screen time and perceived effectiveness of existing screen time monitoring apps.
Steel Alphabet Stolen
Intentionally Blank Ep. 118 audio
Livestream with Brandon Sanderson this Thursday at 6:00 MDT
Update to Brandon's FAQ on Religion
Livestream with Brandon Sanderson and Wesley Chu this week!
Item From the Latest Swag Box Begs for a Followup
Live Stream This Evening at 6:00 MDT with Brandon Sanderson and Gama Martinez
Disappointed with the Quality Control of the publisher
Tress Spoiler Stream (second hour) this Friday evening at 6:00 MDT
Brandon's Book Club: Tress of the Emerald Sea - Final Read Along
Brandon's Book Club: Tress of the Emerald Sea - Read Along Parts 1-3 (Chapters 1-21)
Brandon’s Book Club: Tress of the Emerald Sea - Episode 2
A Memory of Light 10th Anniversary Livestream Tonight at 6:00 MST
Writing an essay on Macbeth. Need sources to find this information cause Im completely lost.