The Library is for quiet study - agree or disagree ?
Chinese Takeaway (central-ish Auckland)
Grammarly and AI
Biomed or Engineering?
safe swim website and sea bather's eruption / sea lice
Couldn't get UE
Am i cooked
Gap year or ….
Entry into Engineering (Honours) without Calculus?
Textbook Question
Auckland university Tamaki campus - anyone else think it was such a waste of money?
What is the Bachelor of Communication like at UoA?
Physio, Psychology or Nursing
Auckland taxi scams are so obvious now
Advice on Course Selection for Master's in Mechanical Engineering in New Zealand (Focus on Employability)
AUT declining my offer for no reason
Primary Teaching or doing a business degree
Why are there swans hanging around Kohimarama Beach?
Woolworths bread baked in Australia and shipped here? Also the "final baking stage" is done in NZ? Not all the baking? So confused
Neighbor building new houses
They found him (bikers v Mercedes guy conclusion)
Auckland Transport fining me $150 for using the wrong bus card, depsite it making no monetary difference. What should i do and how do i go about it?
Angry kayaker tries to splash dude in a boat
A beautiful play by the Universe.
I want to study to prepare stats 101 what to study and how?
School bag