How Do You Think it Will All Go Down?
Layoff Rant.
Food food food
Is $80 per session really that evil?
What happens when you suddenly get dizzy spells?
Peri / menopause which one did you find worst ? Or better :) to get some hope
Difficult coworkers
I told my parents 54M and 49F to write me 26F out of the will if I had to become a Christian to inherit
If you were to go (back) to school what would you study and why?
I want to be excited about life again. What did you do?
Do some people handle losing their looks well and others don't?
AITAH for not initiating a meeting to talk about a breakup two years ago?
(throwaway) AITA for Taking My Daughter's College Fund Back After She Said She Was Going No-Contact?
My (f33) boyfriend (m40) is expecting a child with his ex-wife (f39), how do I navigate this?
Therapist reluctant in giving a Diagnosis
My ecperience with joyous
Ketamine Cost and Value?