Why do people hate Bee's (Beelzebub's) design so much??? I honestly think it looks cool
being kind is free friends
Americans of Reddit, in light of the current political climate between our countries, how do you guys actually feel about us Canadians?
i’m just so hungry.
What are your Beelzebub headcanons?
"The ideal woman"
Has anyone created any sloth related ocs?
Help me choose a color pallete
can someone explain to me what being bipolar is like?
Why do they always go through your post history?
I'm so glad I didn't tell my ex about my bipolar sister
What’s hard about dating you?
Visualized Soundwaves
your username is how you'd die, how you'd die?
Think i might be trying to hard
CapCut Sucks now
New Dog Owner - Redness between paw pads
What could cause weird hair on my spoo’s elbows?
Is there a way to pirate capcut :(?
Nintendo Piracy Lawsuit Defendant Makes Dire Situation Even Worse * TorrentFreak
Democrat teams up with movie industry to propose website-blocking law
Different AI, same result: Incel again trying to be right, hilarity ensues
I did a drawing of an engorged female deer tick.
My first big veggie!
WIBTA if I gave my fiances groomsmen water guns filled with red wine to soak my little sister on our wedding day?