be honest with me now, which signs/placements are so unserious
What is your Shady Moon making you do?
What’s your mars sign and how do you deal with conflict/arguments?
Which Zodiacs have the most gorgeous looks?
what's your favorite way to treat yourself without spending money?
what are some low carb high protein meals you can eat a lot of?
Which rising sign has an extremely easy time being confident in themselves?
Why do Scorpions generally dislike Librans?
What's your period cravings?
Leo ♌️, what do you say?
Dating only one guy at a time
Do guys really jrk off thinking about the person they like?
I’m obsessed with obsession
In search of other women who 72h fast every cycle
what are some tell tale signs that a man is attracted to/likes a woman?
What's a problem only attractive people have?
Is orgasm the best feeling a human can get?
Why do you think water signs always gravitate to air signs?
Wet dreams
What did your parents have that you never will?
Has your rising sign ever gotten you into trouble?
What’s the biggest lie you were told in your 20s?
What should I eat with cottage cheese to lose weight?