Possible Face in Antarctica. Google Earth link in comments
This Sony laptop was made in 1986.
একশবার বলবো, হাজারবার বলবো।
At what age did you meet your spouse?
Is orgasm the best feeling a human can get, or doing drugs beat it?
Very Curious Octopus
water of the day rule
“Stand by me”
Avarage Taposi di W
Wellington, New Zealand
"Make Europeans Dangerous Again" flag in Prague. (Volt Czechia advocating for a federal Europe)
What song are you playing ?
Have you?
Pan Indian Bhojpuri film.
A women spent 27 years photographing her parents waving her goodbye
The World is about to end in a few minutes. What’s the last song you play?
My copilot think's he's hilarious
Modern tropes you're tired of
Why does corporate think this is ok?
What’s something most Americans have in their house that you don’t?
Dolphins are the craziest mammals on earth
Old people falling off a giant see saw.
Walking home a rainy night
What band got you into metal?
From episodes rating so far