What’s all of your rankings of Wes Anderson’s filmography?
What’s your Alien franchise ranking?
Favorite character (s) who suffer?
Favorite Character who lost their arm?
Who do you think should play Martian Manhunter in the DCU?
Favorite character who’s a horrible person but you can’t help but love them
Best movie of 2024?
What is everyone’s current four favorites and last watched?
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 18
Share your last 8 films watched
Who would you cast Ralph Fiennes as in the DCU?
Guys where do you pee?
Favorite character that is a bunny/rabbit?
Which animated bunny are you adopting? 🐰
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 6
Jeff Goldblum as The Wizard
The Flash 2 directed by Andy Muschietti Cast
The 20 Greatest Cartoon Network Shows: Day 5
Which Best picture nominee is that for you?
What’s a movie that uses silence as effectively as dialogue?
Which terrible childhood movie will you die on a hill for?
Say a line from one of your favorite characters
Favorite character created by a YouTuber?
Characters who are often naked but it’s not sexualized or fanservice
you are stuck in an elevator with your favorite character, how screwed are you?
you are stck in an elevator with your favorite undertale/deltarune character, how screwed are you?