Do you Guys Run Land Raiders?
Playing against custodes
List question
Tipps against Nids
Question about Lust
Painting skin
What’s your favorite paint to use for trim?
How do u paint ur trim?
List C&C
Question about Knight
List advice
What to buy
Opinions and constructive criticism pls
Welche Art Brot hinterlässt solche Rückstände am Messer?
Question about White dwarf 498 Missions
Lord Commander Eidolon and a Tactical Sergeant. (Plus the next minis in line for painting)
Can someone help me identify these colours please, Cant find original owner
Question about First Game Combat Patrol against tyranids
Help With list
Opinions? Anyone have any ideas for a base?
Time to build this Up
Vanguard Veteran with bits from the upcoming Greytide Studios Crimson Lords campaign
Repulsor ready ❌⚜️❌
First done