Giving daughter same middle name as me?
Boy names starting with A
Who's an artist you could listen to all day (or at least 4-5 hours)?
Trying to find a 3 syllable girl name ending in -ahh
What's a movie you put on when you just wanna smile and feel good?
Girl name suggestions
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
Has your father ever said "I love you" and if yes how often?
What song would you like to be played at your funeral and why?
What song do you want played at your funeral?
What’s your favorite movie quote without naming where it’s from?
Ladies is it true women check out and compliment other women way more than they do men? If so why?
50/50 custody.
What's your favorite movie that you can watch over and over again without getting tired of it?
How to ask for a better salary
Am I an asshole for telling my parents to stop having sex?
First day of junior year tomorrow (again)
Hi mom, I got a new job but it’s scary