Any religious ENTPs out there? What's your relationship with God like?
Do you love the president?
My faith is crumbling so hard..
How do I give up old habits (like drinking) and renew my mind? I heard God tell me to 'abstain'. I'm so traumatized without it, though.
Everyone on this sub can do better (Read this post)
Went to a church alone for the first time, not sure what I think
What are your most comforting verses, as well as your thoughts behind them?
Just Bought My First Bible
I wish sin didn't exist and also Satan.
How can we make it so this sub is an example of Christs love and a safe place to ask questions?
God Is Perfect.
Is it true that you can be saved by merely believing in God or do you actually have to repent your past sins and not double down on them?
Proto satanic figures in early jewish thinking.
What country is this? Wrong answer only
What is the most looked down upon group of people who have done nothing wrong?
What do you think about my opinion on friendships with non-Christians?
What’s a sign that someone is way smarter than they look like?
Christian women: Do you believe your primary purpose is to reproduce?
How do you learn to pray.
how the world shows exorcism: really weak to the point is barely working or doesnt work at all
Sometimes I wish we lived in a world where we didn’t have free will and was forced to love and worship God. Has anybody else thought this?
What was something sexual that you never realized until recently?
Are curses real/do they work?
What was the scariest paranormal moment you've ever experienced?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?