Wedding Dress Help
Weekends are for sushi
Skims Sizing
A very succinct and to-the-point explanation that hair is not an "awra", and a demonstration of the simple meaning of the "hijab" verse away from the interpretation of Wahhabist men.
Will my poodle ever calm down?
My date cancelled 2 hrs before we were supposed to meet
Been talking nonstop for a week leading up to our date and this happens. Am I crazy??
Where do y'all find fitting underwear??
Most stressful movie you’ve ever watched?
Business cause cheaper stores?
Told off by my neighbor
NYC Black Tie decision help
Is this the dress?
How do you reconcile with the Arab-centric nature of Islam as a non-Arab?
Y’all. Dress 1 is the winner. Now, I need shoes recs!
Any recommendations for workout clothes that don’t do… this?
Judge me based on what you see
How to fix ‘white sky’ on my Kodak cam?
y2k ✨rare✨items i’ve bought, but it gets worse the more you swipe
this isnt instagram
where to find jeans in this style?
The timing feels suspicious - or is that my anxiety talking?
After 2 months of talking
Aligner co worth it? There offering me for $595