Unpopular opinion incoming
What about Konosuba makes you feel the love?
What Kanye album has the best backstory?
Which Ye song is this
Made this beat what y’all think??
what's your craziest kanye take?
What makes Saiki K so funny?
Asuka and Shinji Nightwalk (Bisotin)
Did anyone go to high school with Dax Flame?
Question about eating meat
Question on eating meat
Any tea on Alexis Phifer? (Kanye’s ex fiancé) He looks like he was so into her.
What's the best Kanye album? It's Donda for me
I wish I was a better vocalist…
Favourite song on 808s & Heartbreak? (Apart from Heartless)
My friend gave me MBDTF vinyl for my birthday so i took this fire pic with it
how easy is it to listen to kanye albums
Which of these debut albums changed the game for you!?
I met Ye. Years later I’m still confused
Be honest, if you seen ye walking down the street would you say something?
yEs i cAn dO rEaL aRt
[POEM] Do not ask your children to strive by William Martin