What song is playing?
No, I don’t want to be “saved” from trans people
random compilation of vatniks on Ukraine and Jews
American teens are increasingly misled by fake content online, report shows
What do you think? 🤔
Because we know the response would be VERY different if the kids were the same gender. The straights would have a fit.
wtf, how can someone get offended by something so sweet
Literally what are you conveying with this
This man physically abused me and forced me to do said drugs.
"Intellectual" Debate by Quora Nazis and a Quora Anti-Nazi if Nick Fuentes is a true Nazi.
POV: you’re a black American and you Kang your way into everything
____ wine
{Cupcakeshakesnake} Feeling Betrayed....
Current gen vs boomers
Fairly straightforward
Reject wheels, embrace skittering
My writing is deep and meaningful
“Noooo! Black people can’t like anime!”
You get to pick the first two songs
this can’t be real
[TheLavenderCat] She is such a loser 💔
This is the best 6 second video on the internet right now. Trust me
How do I respond?
My little sister tried to take her life. I found out days later, then asked my dad for more info.