Why ??????
Mail from US to SA - viable?
Spider Identification
How on Earth did Cody do this?
How to tell my female personal trainer her breath is terrible?
Anyone has a ps5 for sale?
I think I broke MJ
Stylized handpainted 3d clip I finished. Here's a couple of scenes. Blender/no shadows and lights.
Looking for phone insurance that pays out cash.
What are your thoughts on my latest visualizations? I'd like your feedback! I used 3ds max + Corona Renderer
Has to be forward?
What sport to retire into?
Flies everywhere
Part two of the archival project to document SANDF footage from their current mission in the DRC. Please keep them in mind, considering their outright heroism in the face of incompetence and lack of equipment over the past week.
Let's talk about the word "Woke" and why i hate it
Given 2 months notice, can I leave early?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Crime affecting tourists as of today in South Africa?
Who is the worst comedian to ever make it big?
How to rent a house in 3 days?
Urban decay
How can retail in Joburg make small changes to improve dramatically?
Whoops, we forgot to announce it: Links to Twitter.com and X.com are banned.
Places to see in Johannesburg