Which Prince biography best dives into his personality and character?
What’s your go-to RHCP song when you feel sad?
Are these official lyrics in Plug In Baby?
Doubt about meet and greet
Any chance they’ll be back in Asia this year?
Best cover song
Any other amazing cover performances I should know about?
MM & Islam
I just listened to morning view for the first time
They’re making another documentary about the allegations
Girls, do you prefer a direct or subtle approach?
Help Me Find the Person in this Reel
Best books ABOUT Dune?
We need to talk about the new album
What is your other favorite band?
“Just talk, don’t sing.” - Arthur to Harley. Also me during every singing scene.
Joker: Folie à Deux - Review Thread
Do you focus on a few desires in your meditation (eg. wealth, love, etc.) or just one at a time until it is manifested?
Philly show was phenomenal
Morning View Video Cover
Just learned there’s a cello in Drive. I can’t unhear it now.
What song got you like this:
Why did Tobias name his band Ghost?
The background vocals on RHRN are heavenly.