"Pretty enough to be lusted over but not pretty enough to be loved 🥺"
Why is there no participation anymore?
What the actual fuck could’ve caused this sudden eyebrow thinning all of the sudden??
Results from desired ___ subs?
successful Desired face results????
Why are reverse results happening to me?
Born a different species
How to limit my time using the mirror?
Possible scarring alopecia on body hair and eyebrows?
Do my eyebrows look like they’ve lost more hair?
Can I hallucinate what I look like?
do subliminals still work if the person doesnt know their listening to it?
6 year difference (from 15 to 21) Sometimes you just age. I’ve been listening to subliminals since 15 though
A (after) - B (before). Any changes you can see?
Eyebrow hair growth?
Why should people make their own subliminals?
Derma rolling questions
Should I stop using a dermaroller?
Subconscious, mental en emotional blocks
Do you have this subliminal or any paid or free sub that gave similar results they are insane
how to become a new person
Subliminals dont work for me
I always wear facial mask all the time because people said I'm "funny-looking"
1 week difference