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My school sucks. tracking me down cus i forgot my ID to go to the bathroom THAT WAS NOVEMBER LET IT GO JEEZ
This stupid fucking somersault kick is killing me
Would Goodwill be upset to know I flipped their $3 Tiffany belt for $160?
How it feels uninstalling this trash ass game.
New to the industry, was told being too slow
How to counter roundhouse to the body?
Dude. How is your leg not shattered like Dustin did you?
What’s the point of elbows from bottom full guard?
How the fuck did I not knock him out
Finally got this bad boy
Las Vegas Culinary Union Questions
How does matchmaking work in online Career Mode?
Free Alter-Egos on Oct 25
lad is mad because i took him down (5)conor vs (5)kabob
Playing undisputed boxing gave me a whole new appreciation for this series
Why is the Icecream not frozen in -18c?
Stand and Bang career not working?
Finally made it to div 20 on UFC 5
Why I stop playing after Div 20 (2.5x)
Don’t even know how to title this..
how to stop armbar
Kinda felt bad for the guy he really wanted to hurt me.
Balal about to be the most used Welterweight in the game lol