Good places to try for Food
Looking for Suggestions: Best Places in India with Good Air Quality, Pleasant Climate, and Low crime
Is ONC a good bar?
Please suggest some good restaurant or cafe to eat out which genuinely tastes good?
What’s the most memorable lesson you’ve learned from a failure?
What do you do at work to make the day a little more bearable?
Why do you think people study space?
Which is the best female superhero?
What's something you wouldn't even wish on your worst enemy?
What do you still wish you had said but didn't?
What small choice you made changed your life?
What is something your gf/bf have done that you will never forget?
In what ways do you love yourself?
How do you feel about an individual that hires people under the table?
If you could, would you want to know when you would die?
What’s one goal you’re currently working towards?
What’s a piece of technology you wish existed?
What was the last thing that made you smile?
what kind of birthday gift would you give to your most beloved person if you have unlimited budget?
What lessons have you learned from your travels?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone do in the background of a Zoom call?
What's the most unexpected life lesson you've learned from a hobby or side project ?
What’s the most unforgettable piece of advice you’ve ever received, and how has it shaped your life?
What’s a lesson you learned the hard way that you wish someone had told you sooner?
What’s a seemingly small experience or realization that unexpectedly had a profound impact on how you see the world?