The Life and Death of a Short Asian Man
If the youth knew more about heightism and lookism the dating market would be alot better
If only 14.5% are over 6 feet, why don’t the 85.5% of men below 6 feet don’t stand up against heightism? Are they stupid?
I feel abandoned by men, what has caused so much anger?
Debate me on these topics:
Letting go, is it possible?
Why is this a thing?
It’s ok for women to body shame men but not vice versa we need equality here!
Even if a woman finds a short guy attractive, they might reject him due to social pressure
I want you to go outside and look at young couples
Women on r/tall in a nutshell:
"just date a taller girl bro." the taller girls in the question.
The Height of Entitlement!
She just so happened to chose the 6’5 😅
Biggest truecel trait in your opinion?
Seeing people as NPCs
algum homem daqui namoraria um femboy na vida real?
Crazy incel wants to go homeless
how would this have played out if Henry Cavill had his face, frame and physique but was 5'2?
I expect an amazing father & daughter relationship. Just wanted to share this gif here :)
imagine you wake up as a “chad”?
Thoughts on this Anti-Rape Device?
A Unicorn in the wild
Do you guys believe that members of the incel/blackpill community overexaggerate the blackpill in some instances?