Those making $100,000+, what do you do?
Anti-Asian Hate
Cool date ideas for native New York married couple
Is anyone watching SWARM (Donald Glover's Beyhive Horror Parody)
How do you feel about the recent study of what a 100k salary is really worth in NYC?
College professors. What do you think of the instructors who teach at technical colleges?
Do you ever have the irrational fear that a disgruntled student would try to shoot you?
The Gap Band - You Dropped A Bomb On Me (1982)
What is your neighborhood missing?
Should I even try to ask for a meeting or am I screwed?
“I take full responsibility…”
What are your elitist, unpopular, possibly annoying opinions regarding anything in NYC?
What phrase is often said wrong?
What's a one liner a therapist, mentor, etc gave you that changed your outlook on life?
What are some simple stress managing techniques that worked incredibly well for you?
What’s something you hate about celebrity culture?
What beliefs are absolute nonsense?
Which stereotypes of New York annoy you the most?
what's a job you don't know how hard it is until you do it yourself?
Professors, please hold the line and be firm on your dates for assignments!
Life After Lockup: Family Lies (2023)
What's your go-to guilty pleasure food spot?
How do we deal with the flood of unprepared students?
Evidence of Misconduct by 12 East Cleveland 🐖🐖🐖
Tell Me About Your Infuriating Students