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Looking for Kono school manuals
Contempoary landscape painters
what are these yellow pointy things called bro
An extremely toxic Dofleinia armata that washed ashore near Broome, Western Australia.
What's the point of watercolor pencils? Why use them?
Is too late to start drawing?
how do i stop feeling like my art is small/insignificant
How to get into oil painting
Just finished my first modular rig, is it normal it needs 3 people to run?
How long can you make art in one sitting?
Am I really an artist?
Painters are you often motivated to paint or do you have to will yourself into it?
What do you listen to while your drawing/painting?
What is this country? wrong answers only☠️
What country is this? Wrong answers only
Non digital and traditional artists. What software tools do you use in your creative process?
What are some of the habits that actually helps you grow and learn better as an Artist?
Como te descuides, golpe de salami!
El nuevo integrante de la familia que nombre le ponemos?
Do you ever like your own art?
Where do you read the latest news about art and creativity?, not only new trends or artists but also new material and goodies
Me encontré a este chiquitín y me lleve a casa😍. ¿Qué nombre le ponemos?
How tf do I use a cloth in a still life