Which sim is your mortal enemy? I'll go first.
I took a nap and when I woke up I saw that my mom sent me a picture
These are the worst tights I've ever seen in my life
She's named Twix because she's colored like the candy bar. Is she a torbie?
It never gets old, right? Even when it's inconvenient. The jumping up on ones lap, and purring loudly.
Why is it so cold in here! Oh yeah…
Floof bridge
Three peas in a pod
How insane are the egg prices at your Aldi?
Troy's face when he meets LeVar Burton
You see this guy in your local rink what do you do? 🤯
The crime and the criminal
I think my Babu is so magnificent.
I’m going to see AJR in Columbus Ohio for the first time!!
Have you ever completed your washday routine, hated it, and immediately rewashed and tried again?
Put your cats in the comments and nobody gets hurt
I've made giant cookies the same way many times, but it went very wrong today
I don’t know what to say
Is one LR4 good enough for three cats?
He won’t stop knocking over the spices. We don’t know how to keep him off the shelves, or out of the cabinets.
Anyone think Emily Hampshire (Stevie) would be perfect as Bella (Twilight?) LOL
Question About One Breath
Double-wide Shepherd's Pies
People who got the slushi: how often do you use it?
"I know I smell bacon on your fingers!"