Does the final romance scene feel really tonally inappropriate, or is it just me?
DM wants to incorporate a ‘last minute session cancel’ option to our online campaign. Thoughts?
made a tier list of purple items in ror2. My friend says that they disagree with where i put sing. band, says it should be higher up. What's yalls opinions?
Player quits after mild criticism
So DMs… how often do you just lift things from other places?
Are there any classes and or subclasses that you don't allow your players to use? Why?
Do revival spells come online too early?
Why “fey” in “fey, fiend, or undead” in the Blood Hunter class focus?
What ability score is your go-to dump stat?
What is your favourite martial class? Say why in the comments.
Do you reveal the initiative order to your players?
Would you consider Warlocks to be full-casters?
When you take a long rest at the end of the day, what kind of spell slots do you have leftover?
What's your favorite historical period for campaign settings to be based on?
What is your favourite full caster? Say why in the comments.
What's your favorite D&D monster and why?
Do you like the Artificer class?
Not having fun with my character, but don't want to change character because I'm the main healer.
Player is mad I killed his Familiar during a fight
What are your most hated house/optional rules?
Tank and DPS mains, who is your personal favorite support to back you up based off your main and why?
We do a bunch of balance complaining on this sub, so I just wanna ask: What is your current favorite spell?
You are granted godlike ability scores. Which class are you picking?
Hot take: 5e was at it’s best when the only expansion was Xanathar’s
Am I the only one that thinks super unique characters are more boring?