He googled it!
Covered the OST on the guitar🃏💕
I Need unhinged threats for my new character
Can you help me finish worldbuilding?
How can I extract models from TTS for 3d printing?
Double dice or double damage?
Looking for D&D Groups in Roch
International Tabletop Day is tomorrow and I am celebrating by giving away over $600 of D&D Loot to a single random winner! Worldwide Giveaway [Mod Approved] Check out the video and the comments for more details and the rules. Sponsored by Game Master Engine [OC].
What happened to Pruitt?
Tomorrow is the day Android fam. We've almost made it.
Guitarists who started playing Bass, why? [QUESTION]
Joining a campaign at Lvl 11 and I need an anti-munchkin
Just wanted to give a shout-out to Francisco’s on 2nd St SW! First time eating there today and it was excellent! Go show these guys your support!
Running a maze of mirrors
Quick Prompts - August 03, 2020 to August 10, 2020
I setup an AH themed TTT server for the community!
Our DM is suffering from a bad case of DM burnout, and writers block. Is there anything that helps you over the hump, and/or anything we can do to help him out?
Big fear, plain T-shirts
Let's make something healthy today
Okra you son of a bitch
Winemaking Supplies in Roch?
Scared my players with the possibility of death, now they want to take money for heals
Bishop Strauss
Nerdarchy did a video on Matt’s Action Oriented Monsters
The last text you sent is what you scream when you're about to cum. What is it?