What kind of doctor do you go to?
Anybody else feel kind of high when you have a migraine
On amitritlyine and maxalt?
For those of you abandoning ship on Mac, give Orion a shot
How do you deal with the nausea?
How do you organize your prep notes on paper?
Amitriptyline causing bad constipation, any tips?
Worst trigger
Done with roll20
How did your VM first start?
Losing Arc was worse than a breakup...
Touch support?
Chilling map reveals where 75% of US population could perish in event of a nuclear attack.
My doctor is close to diagnosing me with vestibular migraines… what is life like with them?
What breeds could cause this appearance?
What breed do y'all think my boy is?
topiramate and throwing up?
todays migraine cocktail: (sumatriptan) + liquid IV, Diet Coke & olives.
A partner understanding of my migraines—the best Valentine’s Day present!
What exactly does a migraine feel like?
RIP to my dinner
4 years ago my son asked me to make him one last quilt because the world was falling apart. I delivered it to him today.
Plugins to mimic Capacities? (Object and relationship focus rather than hierarchy)
How to hide/lock settings for us compulsive tinkerers?